today was crazy. I stayed up late last night finishing my stuff I had to turn into and packing… had to go into work early, worked all day, tried to study during lunch. Had to give my lit midterm presentation at 3 (which went OK), and then had my math midterm at 4:30. The rain started while I was in that class. Of course I was parked a million miles away and was completely drenched by the time I got to my car. Then I drove the hour+ to my gramma’s in the pouring rain. I was sooooo tired by the time I got here.
But I’m here. Ready to catch up on my rest and work on SunDowner 7 lots.
Driving around Jackson is weird – I’ve been driven around this little city all my life, but today was the first time I’ve ever driven here myself. seemed kinda surreal.
sleepy now.